What We Do

We inspire minorities and people of color to become active participants in our government so that our country may be strengthened by their unique contributions and perspectives. We energize ethnic, racial and religious minorities by encouraging them to vote, engaging them in the political process of democracy, and creating cooperative solutions that benefit all citizens. We encourage an election process that allows minorities equal opportunities to run as candidates so that our government officials better represent the diversity of their constituents. We strive to ensure that our political process is just and that minorities feel safe to express their opinions at all levels of government.

How We Do It

We educate disenfranchised communities with the knowledge, strategy, and tactics needed to champion change in their hometowns, states, and our great nation. We enable minorities and new Americans to present their positions directly to their representative lawmakers in Washington, at the state level, and at the local government level. We cultivate young leaders from under-represented communities to generate political power so that future generations of elected representatives will better represent the diversity of their constituencies. We train tomorrow’s leaders as we encourage and empower them to become advocates for lasting change.

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